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The Group was formed in May 2015 and is open to all residents of Upper and Lower Denby with the aims of:

  • Helping to make Denby Village a vibrant, safe, pleasant and enjoyable environment for residents and visitors

  • Promoting activities which will make Denby Village a better place to live, work and visit

  • Developing ideas and events aimed at enhancing the environment of the Village for the benefit of all

  • Co-operating with public and private bodies, charitable organisations, youth and other community groups to develop economic, social, safety and environmental projects within the area

Monthly Group Meetings

The Group meets monthly (usually on the first Saturday in the month) in The George Inn at 11am.

2022 Meeting dates for upcoming months are
as follows : 5th March, 2nd April, 7th May,

Minutes of the February 2022 Meeting

Minutes of Previous meetings can be found here

If you want to know more about the Group feel free to attend one of our monthly meetings or send us a message below

Monthly Litter Picking

Meeting on a Sunday morning (usually the second Sunday in the month) at the George Inn at 10am, volunteers collect litter from around the village.



Making Denby even more delightful costs money.

Donations are welcomed and if you can afford it please think about setting up a regular standing order or making a one-off donation to our running costs:

Bank details for BACS donations are:

Denby Village Conservation Group

Sort Code: 54-21-34

Account number: 27627438

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